Micro-Concrete Texture

Exterior Concrete Wall - Balaji Wall Texture

Give your exterior surface an extremely durable finish with Balaji Wall Texture. We offer concrete surfacing to exterior walls for every building type. From large buildings complexes to residential places, we offer ourΒ concrete wall panels exteriorservice. The best thing about our service is its durability and versatility. We inspect the entire exterior property before installing the surfaces.

Since 40 years of our service, we have served thousands of clients. Our design and architecture experts are professionals in deciding the best concrete finishing for your exterior building. We have gone beyond the boundaries to discover innovations and modern approaches for wholeΒ outer concrete wallΒ surfacing.

OurΒ exterior cement wall designservice will significantly benefit home buildings and business properties. Moreover, it will solve many concerns by offering lasting value to your property. You will feel glad for investing in our service. Balaji Wall Texture specializes in providing top-notch concrete wall surfacing and other solutions. From installation to finishing, our experts will take care of everything. With our highly experienced service years, we have offered clients the best exterior appearance and peace of mind.

Our Experts Will Take Care Of Giving You An Outstanding Exterior Finish

We aim to install theΒ exterior concrete wall expertlyΒ to enhance the value of your property. Overall, we take care of the beauty of your building. So, we don’t go for only functional necessity and durable factors, and we will enhance the attractiveness of your property. Our experts will integrate a modern twist to personalize the concrete’s classy finish. We will help you get the beauty that you ever wished for.
With ourΒ finishing exterior cement wall design, we will plan an intelligent strategy to help your property stand out. Especially if you own a commercial building, we ensure your visitors find your exterior space attractive. Your property will get an appealing look that is functional and attractive too. We also consider the decorative aspects and elements around planters, columns, and statues to beautify your external space. Hence, let our experts take the responsibility of transforming your building into a new look.

We Ensure To Offer A Resilient And Energy-Efficient Surface

Concrete will be the best choice if you want a resilient material for your exterior. You will never find a more resistant material than this. Concrete does not easily rust, burn or rot out. We have the quality-approved and finest concrete materials. It can withstand extreme weather conditions and external damages. Your concrete wall will remain durable for decades. It will remain unaffected by the violent disasters too. We prepare concrete solutions that meet your custom requirements.

It doesn’t burn, rust, rot, or get blown away. After storms and other extreme weather elements, concrete walls and other concrete structures remain unchanged, unaffected by even the most violent of natural disasters.

Concrete exterior textures have the best ability to store energy. It will well manage the heating and cooling mechanism of your building. Therefore, our concrete exterior wall will be your energy-efficient choice. Your home and office spaces will get better insulation, so you don’t have to worry about energy bills. Moreover, our concrete panels offer high protection to your building.
Remember that concrete walls do not emit anything dangerous to your living space. It is entirely emission-free, and gases, toxins, and other harmful chemicals will not be released. Hence, we assure you of a healthy and safe living.

Our Concrete Exterior Walls Are Best For Adaptive Reuse

Remember that, due to concrete’s durability and high resistance with structural qualities, it can be transformed throughout history. Due to its resilient nature, you can give any transformation to your building. Our concrete walls can be highly dependable and adaptable for further usage. In the end, the concrete structure is recyclable, and you can use it for various purposes, including parking lots and shoreline protection, or you can use it as a sub-base material for roadbeds. Concrete walls can be removed and used repeatedly for different purposes properly. You purchase our concrete wall panels for a home, office, or other buildings and choose to stay eco-friendly and protect the environment.

Balaji Wall Texture Is Known For Its Versatility

While our concrete exterior walls are undoubtedly solid and durable, they can also be used creatively and practically. It is highly flexible before hardening, which allows for beautiful designs. Our contractors will use creative ideas to customize the design. You can ask us to create any imaginary shape, texture, or surface to personalize your exterior space. We use industrial-grade concretes suitable for different wall designs and surfacing. Due to our versatility, we are the highly preferred service in the country. We rely on high-quality raw materials. Your property will get an aesthetic look with a modern touch. Moreover, we will enjoy cost-effective installation with our service.

Why Choose Our Exterior Concrete Wall Services?

Balaji Wall Texture is highly dedicated to offering high-quality concrete wall texture and decorative wall designs. We have been in the business for decades and take care of everything, including plasters, coatings, and designing of the exterior walls.

Concrete walls are a great way to make the most of your space, add beauty, design elegant facades that attract attention, and raise the long-term value of your house or place of business. Balaji Wall Texture is here to make sure you receive excellent customer service and top-notch concrete solutions that give you confidence in your property when you’re ready to invest in concrete walls for your home or office property.

Our service will make sure for an ideal usage other than just walls. It also includes custom fabrications and joinery applications. Our creative concrete interior designers will find out countless ways to give incredible and attractive results. Moreover, the wall panels will be made ready for installation.

We have a choice that suits your needs, from classy concrete walls that add privacy and functionality to concrete retaining walls with stamped, tinted designs that enhance the exterior view. For a consultation and free estimate on all of your concrete needs, contact our helpful, friendly team of concrete experts immediately. We are always available to help you with our service.

A Solution For Every Need

Balaji ‘s innovative surfaces are designed to meet any kind of architectural requirement. They can be applied to both interiors and exteriors and are perfect for private residences, commercial businesses and large public spaces

Applicable Surfaces Interior Exterior
Cement plaster
Previously painted substrates & surfaces (with surface preparation)
Sand boards (at least 10mm thick)
Plywood boards (at least 10mm thick with primer)
MDF boards (at least 10mm thick with primer)
Factors Raw Concrete Balaji Wall Texture
Overall Cost
More costly (requires more material & is harder to install
Less costly (requires less material & is simpler to install)
Duration of Installation
Long (casting & drying process requires extensive time)
Short (ECES is applied on as a texture coating)
Set-Uo Equipment
Requires extensive equipment for pouring & casting
Requires only basic equipment for texture coating application
Application Process
Applicable Process
Limited (weight of material cannot be supported by all structures)
Unlimited (weight of material is easily supported by structures)
Design Options
Durability Against Weather Conditions












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Concrete Finish for Exterior

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